Gemini Consultants is conscious of the environment. Our environmental policy is designed to meet and to exceed the minimum requirements of BS EN ISO 14001.

Its procedures are appropriate to the nature, scale, and environmental impacts of its operations.

(a) Its computer systems use state of the art technology, maintaining most customer records and financial information on-line. This means in particular:

  • Up-to-date information is always instantly available. No longer are daily printouts of transactions, correspondence sent, etc required. Customer queries can be answered at the touch of a button giving the latest possible position.
  • Gemini uses and stores considerably less paper – also helping to keep costs down.
  • Even historical information can be quickly accessed and queries on-line; e.g. requests for information covering previous years.
  • Its systems can link into our client’s own financial systems – avoiding the need to print and re-key

(b) Gemini is committed to:

  • Continually improving its procedures and to the prevention of pollution.
  • Compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations.
  • The regular review and adjustment of environmental objectives and targets.

(c) Gemini is an environmentally friendly company:

  • Pre-packed printer toner trays are recycled.
  • Where feasible internal and external documents are printed on recycled paper, and it uses envelopes made from 100% recycled fibre.
  • Where not confidential, paper that has only been printed on one side is collected and used again for notepads, draft reports, etc.
  • All confidential used paper is shredded and recycled.
  • Company records, such as client and supplier files, are kept electronically where possible to save paper and storage space.
  • Use of public transport or pedal cycles is encouraged where practical.
  • The environmental policy of its suppliers is considered during supplier selection.

(d) Waste Management: Gemini tries to minimise paper waste by avoiding printing internal e-mails and Manuals

(e) Gemini’s staffing policy is to attempt to employ local staff:

  • Many staff live within cycling or walking distance of Gemini’s offices – and do actually walk or cycle to work.
  • Car sharing between staff members is encouraged – hours of work within departments are synchronised.
  • Staff members actively work from home using latest computer and communications technology.
  • Gemini’s procedures are documented, implemented and maintained and are communicated to all employees.