Local Authorities

Where it all started. Back in the mid eighties, Gemini was set up to develop software for local authorities to manage their own lending. But with increasing sophistication of the market and more demand for support from borrowers, many of the LAs decided they couldn’t continue to give those borrowers the level of service they needed. Gemini offered to fill that gap and 35 years and 150 authorities later, we continue to offer this service to authorities across the UK.

Over that time we have seen many products come and go: right to buy, local authority mortgage schemes, major works loans, green loans, green mortgages, help to buy, support for landlords and so on. Taking that knowledge and aggregating it we then share it with our clients to ensure that they are made aware of the opportunities that arise in a timely way. Then we help our clients work out how to meet the needs of their community whilst creating viable, sustainable products. We can then create, implement, market and manage those products throughout the life of the scheme, minimising the impact on the authority’s internal resources. Finally, we are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and whilst much of what a council does is outwith their remit, you have the reassurance of knowing that all loans managed by Gemini are cared for to the exacting standards expected by the FCA.