Gemini has built up considerable knowledge over 35 years and continues to monitor the market and evaluate opportunities both for themselves and their customers. Here we aggregate occasional articles and recent news that might be of particular interest to you.

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Gemini rebrands and relaunches

With the new year we are launching our new brand: Gemini Mortgage Services. A small change true but it contains both a nod to our roots and an acknowledgement that its core business is now Third Party Mortgage Administration

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Housing outlook for 2022

We take a look at what we can expect from the housing market in 2022

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Evergreen funds

What are evergreen funds? And what are the benefits? We take a quick look...

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New Product Development in Financial Services

A recent trawl through mortgage and loan company websites threw up over 10 pages of products - all to do with consumer lending

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Making evergreen funds work for local authorities

Councils are having to become more imaginative in raising funds to meet their housing strategy objectives. Evergreen funds are the latest weapon to join their arsenal.